Here is the trailer for the "Do The Math" documentary I worked on with the guys at PF Pictures. I was a Field Producer for an interview and when we filmed Bill McKibben's last Do The Math talk earlier this year. It's a wonderful project to be a part of, and please click through to to see how you can get involved with the movement in a few weeks for Earth Day.
Ferry Beach, April
Dr. Mulkey Interview
Still from interview I just shot/produced with Dr. Stephen Mulkey, President of Unity College, the first college in the US to completely divest it's endowment from fossil fuels. He made for a great interviewee, very knowledgable and engaging. The interview is part of a larger documentary being produced by PF Pictures for Audio help on this shoot from Stuart Townsend.
Video Romance
Here's a quick project I worked on last week for my sister-in-law. She wanted to make a video for her boyfriend for Valentine's day, so we set up in our dining room, put up the green-screen and lights, and did a few takes. It only took Meg about 3 runs through to get the lyrics and performance we were looking for, and then a few hours of online searching for some fun video assets to bring it together.